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Friday, February 19, 2010

OB Appointment on 2/19/10

Almost had to do a double NST scan today, but towards the end the baby did the necessary movements so it was good. I've concluded that the baby just doesn't like that scan... because he was moving tons before and after it, but DURING it, he decides to be quiet and sit still. Silly boy.

Doctor checked my cervix again... this is the convo that happened:

Doctor: So last week you were a fingertip, which is about half a centimeter.
Me: And now?
Doctor: Well.. still a fingertip.. oh wait, now you are 1 and a half centimeters.. I kinda stretched it out while checking.

hahaha.. so, I guess thats progress?

I asked (for curiosity sake) when he starts thinking of induction if a women just doesn't go into labor on her own. He said that what he used to do was wait until 40 weeks and 3 days, but the hospital wont allow an induction (unless its medically necessary, such as high blood pressure, harm to the baby, etc) until 41 weeks. So if the baby doesn't come on his own, he'll probably schedule an induction in about two weeks from now. We're hoping he comes sooner though.. and knowing our luck, he will come the day before, or the day of, Matt's tests. hahahha!!

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