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Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Pictures

After downloading and reviewing pictures, I realized that this month (November) I really didn't take many pics, oops! All is well with us though. Kids are growing, in fact in just 19 days Rose will be 2yrs old! I still can't believe it! Isaac will 4 in almost 2 months, and my belly is getting bigger and bigger… currently 28 weeks pregnant, I have finally hit the third trimester! Woohoo!

The only thing really new lately is that we took advantage of this loooong Thanksgiving weekend and have moved Rose out of her crib and into Isaac's room, where she now sleeps on the bottom bunk. The first night went horrible, but the following two nights have not been bad and she even naps in there as well for up to hours 2 again! (For the past month her naps have been 45-60minutes only and she was waking up a ton at night. Now she just wakes up once and thats it. I wonder if she was hitting the sides of her crib and it was waking her…).

Here are the pics that I have gathered. Some first half are from my phone camera and the rest are from the regular camera.

From the Phone camera:
 Playing on the steps

 Making faces at the dinner table

 Silly girl

 Whatta cutie!

 Passed out on the couch one day after not sleeping well the night before

 He was so proud of his pile of books he created 

 Me and Rosie

 Making sure she gets every last drop of soup!

 At the LEGO exhibit 

 Riding the goose!

 I was watching a few extra kids one day. It was crazy fun!

 Boys playing with the castle while the only girl watches cartoons lol

 Me and Isaac

 My crazy kids

 I asked if she was making tea and she said it was ketchup, then proceeded to "drink" it. Glad its as all pretend!
 Don't let them fool you… they were only pretending to sleep!

 Helping me dust… though Rose thought Isaac could use dusting as well I guess haha

 Rose fusing the shelves

 Isaac dusting the books

 Mowing the lawn is dangerous, must wear a helmet at all times

 They were pretending they were going to the North Pole to see Santa and wanted to dress the part haha

Matt and Isaac went to Home Depot and came back with this…. It's pretty awesome!

Pictures from the camera. First set are from Bellow's Beach, where we attending a birthday party. The second set are from today (Nov 30th) where we went to an even called Snacks with Santa. 

 In the water as soon as we get there. This kid loves the ocean!

 Matt taking him out a bit further

 Isaac body surfing on Matt haha

 Waiting for a wave to come by so he can body surf on his own

 Rose with me on the beach. She's still unsure about the ocean and pretty much sticks to playing in the sand.

 She wanted to wear her life vest like Isaac was. She kept toppling over though haha

 Isaac body surfing while Matt watches nearby

 Rose got to hit the TARDIS piƱata first! 

 Hit it hard, Rosie!

Isaac's turn!

 Isaac is all ready to go see Santa!

Rose all dressed up to see Santa! 
(She was mad at me in this pic because I took away her paci)

 Waiting in line to see Santa!


 I grabbed some of the fake presents for a photo op haha

 Poor Isaac was really wanting to unwrap his! 

 Isaac hugging Santa! Rose kind of ignored him the whole time haha

 Finally got one of Rose looking at the camera!

 Isaac telling him what he really wants for Christmas… a Switch-n-Go Dino!

 Santa tried to ask Rose what she wanted, but she was still ignore him haha. 

This picture makes me crack up! Rose looking somewhere else, Isaac making that face, and Santa looking straight at the camera. Love it!

Pregnancy update
As I said in the beginning I am finally in my third trimester! Just three short months to go! I did have another ultrasound done of the baby two weeks ago to check on the growth of his/her belly, and everything is great! Infact, there is no issues whatsoever at this point. I do go back in two weeks for one more ultrasound, just incase though. I have more ultrasounds to share from the last visit but Rose messed up our scanner and we haven't been able to scan them in yet haha. Will post them when I can!

That's it for now! Tomorrow is December first (though I guess since it's past midnight, it already is the 1st, oops), which means our Elf on the Shelf, Reggie, starts visiting us again! Stay tuned for lots of Christmas fun this month!

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