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Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 Months Old!

Isaac is 2 months old today!!! It's weird, because part of me thinks that the time has flown by and the other part is thinking "ONLY 2 months??" haha...

He had his 2month well-child check up today. He got an oral vaccination and also a shot in his leg. He drank up the oral one like a champ (it was also close to another feeding session so he was getting hungry). He was already crying/being fussy when she gave him the shot so I'm not exactly sure his true reaction to it was. He was crying after, but I think also was because he was hungry (we gave him a bottle and then he was fine). However, this evening he is sure being vocal about his leg hurting him :( We are all trying very hard not to even touch his left leg because if we do, he screams. I thought he screamed before but boy was I wrong.. he can get even louder! We are giving him both Tylenol and Motrin for the pain. I have a feeling its going to be a very loooong night!

Now for the stats and fun updates!
He weighs 11lbs 7oz (I swore he was already at 12lbs but I was wrong haha) and 22.16inches long! My growing boy! He's out of newborn diapers (has been for a few weeks now) and only a very few newborn outfits fit (I think only First Years by Carter because they run bigger). He's mostly wearing 0-3 months, and even some of those are too small (mostly because he is long). But the 3 month clothing is still a bit too big.. so he's in between sizes right now.

He gives out smiles a lot more freely now and if you are lucky, he will hold "conversations" with you. It's soooo cute. In fact, if you scroll down this post, past the pictures, you can see a cute video of him "talking" to Grandma Deb!

He's tolerating being placed on the floor or in his bouncer a little bit more, but not TOO much. He'll stay longer if you talk to him and play with him, but sometimes he will just sit there and look at the TV or his toys for a bit, giving us a small break as well.

His sleep schedule is still very random. Sometimes he will sleep up to 5 hours at a time. Other times about 3 hours.

His eating schedule is still very predictable.. every 2 hours, on the dot. If I feed him at 9:14am, he will start crying at 11:14am for food.. even if he's napping or playing happily with someone, it never fails that he will demand food at the 2 hour mark.

Below are pictures taken today with the Panda Bear (to compare his size as the months progress). Tomorrow I will be posting about 50 pictures.. if Isaac will give the time to do so! haha....

Of course, when we have to get up early and leave the house, he decide to sleep in!!

And new pictures with Panda Bear!

Now lets compare between Month 1 and Month 2... 

Wow!! BIG BOY!

More pictures to be (hopefully!) posted tomorrow!!! Now it's time to get a very cranky baby to bed!

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