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Thursday, August 12, 2010

24 Weeks! Sitting up, solids, and teething

I know I'm a few days late.. I apologize! Isaac is teething right now so most of my free time isn't really free time anymore, but trying to sooth a cranky baby. I think both bottom ones are trying to come through at the same time... it's very swollen and he chews on anything and everything. I just hope they come through soon so he can get some relief!

We're working on sitting up and he's doing really well! He can only really do it for about a minute, but he's getting steadier every day. And when he falls over, it's always to his tummy so then we go straight to tummy time. And now he wiggles around and sticks his butt in the air, so I think crawling is on the horizon (oh no!).

As far as solids go, that is still a working progress. So far, all he has had is some banana, rice cereal, and carrots. I still need to find the way that he likes his rice cereal made.. when Matt and I make it, he won't eat it, but he eats it just fine at daycare. We also tried carrots but he was too distracted by touching the floor or the tray table to really want to eat. Plus, I think with teething, he just wasn't into it. I think his daycare is going to try feeding him carrots as well (they will feed him food after we have tested it a few times to make sure there are no allergic reactions) so we'll see how he does with that.

And since I made you all wait longer then usual for this update, here is a good batch of pictures :)

I found some more pictures on my camera of Uncle Joey and Grandpa feeding Isaac :)

Passed out after daycare

Sitting up by himself :) 

In his bumbo, playing with his box of toys

Chewing on a nice, cold teether

Just a cute picture of my cute kid 

First bite of carrots!.. Apparently timed wrong because his mouth and eyes were closed haha

Eating carrots

and he's had enough (after a few bites). He was too interested in the floor mat then wanting to eat. 

Messy face

Gnawing on the spoon

Playing with his tongue

Sitting up again, playing with toys

My handsome little guy

Sticking his butt in the air during tummy time... uh oh.. crawling is on the horizon! 

One of his rare, non-grumpy times after daycare :)

And that's it for now!

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