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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December pictures!

I usually try and update a few times a month, or at least once halfway through, but apparently that didn't happen this month, so I will be doing a huge picture dump in this post. Hope you don't mind! Also, even though it's past midnight every where else, it's still 2013 here in Hawaii so I'm late with this last blog post of 2013, haha!!

Incase you missed it, I posted our Where's Reggie, 2013 Elf on the Shelf edition right before this one.

 Kids waking up to the tree set up by our elf, Reggie. 

Pretty lights!

 Being a ham for the camera 

 Isaac in his Christmas jammies 

 Rose in her Christmas jammies 

 Decorating the tree! 

All done decorating! Great job kids! 
(We kept it very simple this year and it will probably just be lights next year lol)

 This was how toys and DVD's were being stored…. before Matt made this:
A new cubby/shelf unit! 

 She found a pad of paper and a pen and began "writing" in it. 
Maybe she's making her Christmas wish list?

 My silly kids drinking their milk on the steps

 Enjoying his Look and Find book :) 

 Riding her tricycle 

Riding his bike

 Rosie, riding in style

 Isaac and Rose with their friend Sky at the lego exhibit 

 Sky and Rose racing their cars

 Matt made a giant lego man from giant legos

 The kids wanted a picture too, before they destroyed it haha

Reading books before bed one night :) 

Isaac reading to Rose. Love this picture!!!!

Pretending to make snow angels. 
Poor kids want real snow haha

Deb asked us for a picture of the kids in front of the tree with 
their Christmas shirts on. After about 80, this was the 
best we could get lol

 Then they were done!!!!

Poor Rosie!

 Rosie on her birthday! Checking out her new bear she got from mommy and daddy

 Awe, I think she likes it

 Silly girl making silly faces!!

 Princes jammies that her daddy picked out (and that she loves!)

 Playing with some of her new toys she got on her birthday

 Isaac signing with the boom box 

 Rose singing with the boom box

Dressing up her Minnie Mouse

 We got Theo a new dog bed…. Rose approves 

We did a small party for Rose at our house with some neighbors. 
This was her party invite (that never really got sent out, I just made it for fun haha)

 Her cake we made and topped with Sofia the First figures

 Her party outfit :) I got the shirt and bow customs made

 Her matching bow

 Silly picture 

 My princess! 

 Hanging out with Isabella during the party 

 Singing happy birthday… notice Isaac trying to help blow out the candles.. 

 Now notice Matt stopping Isaac from helping LOL!

Boys playing in Isaac's room during the party. Party animals!

 Day after the party, Rose opened up her gifts from her friends.
Below are just some of what she got :)

 Awesome homemade puzzle made by Benji and Brendan 

 A new book

 A Hello Kitty book and stuffed animals 

 A really big bag from the Howell's…

 Ooo lego's inside along with a stuffed puppy!

She also received clothes but I couldn't get a pic of her opening those as she went too fast haha

She found one of my headbands and wanted to wear it. 
She is also wearing a new outfit she got from the Franco's :)

 Opening up their Christmas Eve gifts 

 Hmm wonder what it is

Sofia pajamas! 

 Isaac got new pajamas too! 

 Next gift...

 An ornament (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)

 Rosie opening up her second gift…

 Her ornament was a Doc McStuffins one!

 They had to wear their new PJ's after receiving them

 Christmas eve night, eating cookies we made for 
Santa and watching a Christmas show before bed

 Gifts from Santa! 
Basketball hoop for both. 
Fairy dolls and Tinkerbell movie for Rose. 
Switch-n-Go Dino and Planes movie for Isaac.

 Presents under the tree for the kids (from family/friends/parents)

Their stockings all stuffed!

 Opening presents Christmas morning. 
There is also a video of the kids when they first come 
down stairs at the end of this post that is pretty cute. 

This picture just cracks me up. She looks so unimpressed
but in reality, she loves her helmet and wears it ALL the time!

 Playing with daddy and trying to get a pic of her wild hair!

 Looking at the lights outside 

 Pretty little princess! 

 Kids having fun in the dark while daddy takes pics of them

 Playing t-ball with Uncle Joey who came to visit!
If you look closely, you will see the ball that Isaac hit from the tee towards the top right of the picture. 
(Notice Rose in the background with her helmet on lol)

 Joey helping Isaac with his swing

 Reading stories together 

Snuggling before bed and being silly!

 On our way to the beach with Uncle Joey!
Going to Bellows.

 Rosie making kissy face and wearing her sunglasses upside down lol 

 Isaac with his new boogie board that he got for Christmas

 Matt got one too!

 Ready to go in!

 Attempting to boogie board. Apparently he got dunked by water and was done after this haha

 Rosie playing in the sand 

 Digging holes

 Joey in the ocean

 Deep hole… Isaac jumped right in lol

 Hanging out with Rosie

 Playing with Rose in the sand

 Burring Isaac in the sand (at his request)

 Everyone join in!

 Rosie's turn to get buried! 

After the beach, all the kids passed out (even Joey haha!!)

Playing video games with Uncle Joey

We dug out the infant carseat and Rose 
decided to test it out to make sure it's still good to go!

Rose loves to play with Joey's phone. 
Apparently she learned how to use Snap-chat,
 take pictures, and send out to Joey's friends. Smart girl! 

That's all for pictures for 2013!!! Here a few videos though

Rose reading a book - "8 Silly Monkey's"

Singing Happy Birthday to Rose at her party

Christmas morning!!

Isaac and Joey playing baseball

A short, funny video of Rose riding Sky's power wheel

Hope everyone had a great 2013 and has an even better 2014!!!

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