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Friday, May 8, 2015

April 2015 pics - Part 1 - Easter and Hiking

This month will be heavily posted with pictures, so I am going divide this into two posts. This first post will have pictures from Easter and our hiking adventure with the group "Hiking with Keiki". Hope you enjoy them!

Before I post though, I figure I'd give an actual update on us all :)

Matt is doing well; he just finished up another semester of college (taking online classes through Penn State). This summer he will be taking 5 (yes, five) classes, but when he completes those he will have his Bachelors Degree! So proud of him!! He will then apply for a master program so keep your fingers crossed for him that he gets in!

Isaac is so excited to start school in the fall and he asks every day if it's August yet. I really need to make a countdown calendar for him or something. Probably in the next few weeks, we will go out and start getting his school supplies. In the meantime, he's been keeping busy playing with friends, going on hikes with us, and playing on the computer (mostly educational games).

Rose has finally graduated from wearing diapers/pull's to wearing big girl underwear all the time! She still has occasional accidents, but she is doing really well for the most part. I took a different potty training approach with her and didn't push her or force her. She understood what to do for the most part, but wasn't interested in doing it at all so I just let it go and figured she'd let us know when she was ready. One day she told us she didn't want to wear diapers anymore and that was that, even at night! It's really nice to only have ONE in diapers now!

Penny is just a little sponge these days. She turned 15 months old at the end of April and so far has a word count of at least 10 or so (some more understandable then others haha). She is always wanting to do whatever her siblings are doing. She is a little night owl and usually stays up about 1-2hrs longer then her brother and sister do at night. She also LOVES shoes and will put any pair on that she see's and will walk around in them; we are constantly looking for our shoes because they are never in the same spot for long.

As for me, things are going very well. I'm actually getting out of the house more with the kids and doing more things, instead of just hanging out at home. I think a huge factor in this is the anti-anxiety meds I am on have finally started to work for me. I used to have such bad episodes of anxiety to the point that leaving the house was giving me stomach issues.

That is about it... now onto pictures!


 Their Easter baskets

 Showing off new PJs

 Checking out the rest of her goodies. 

 Hello Kitty bunny chocolate! 

 So happy for ninja turtle socks! 

 They had been asking for this movie for a few weeks

 Opening up her eggs to find some candy, yum!

 Checking out her basket 

 She loves books

 Trying to put on her new jammies 

 Our neighbor and I got together and did a little egg hunt for our kids

 Painting eggs (you put an egg in a bag with some paint and move it around to paint them)

 Watching her brother and sister... getting mad she can't touch the (wet) eggs.

 Playing with Avery and Ashlynn's new toy (Penny wanted out)

 Some cool kids right there

 Easter egg hunt #2! This one was color coded and they were only allowed to collect eggs the same color as their baskets. This way everyone had the same amount of eggs and no fighting happened! 

 All the girls together in their pretty dresses

 Trying to get five kids to all look and smile at the camera at the same time is nearly impossible lol 

Ready for her close up! 

Hiking pictures:

 Whole family did Kolekole Pass over on Schofield (recently opened to the public on the weekends)

 Rose and Isaac leading the way

 Penny in the hiking backpack 


 Having Isaac read out the letters on the Danger sign

Group pic :)


Hike at Lyon Arboretum 

 Lacey leading the way, followed by Sky, Rose, Isaac, then me

 Penny on my back in the baby carrier (didn't stay there long because she kept pulling my hair)

 Sky and Isaac posing for a picture.. Isaac said it was boring haha

 This tree looks like a giant tree foot

 Cool tree trunks

 Passed out

 The three big kids taking a break 

 Hard to tell, but there is a trickle of a water fall there... it was really dried out and Isaac asked if the falls were broken haha

 Rose called this a donut tree...

 Pretty flowers

 Me and my munchkins 


 Thought this looked really neat


 This hike was to Hamama Falls. It had been raining so there were puddles everywhere in the first part (and Rose had tons of fun jumping in them)

 A little wet from the rain

 Huge puddles

 Part of the group ahead of us

 Little creak on the trail

 Checking out the stream

 None of the kids wanted to take a picture at that moment haha

 Come on, Rosie! 

 She called this a baby waterfall

 Finally made it! Isaac was happy that these falls worked (unlike the one before haha)

 So happy to made it to the water

 Me and the kids at the falls (Penny was asleep)

 The hiking group hanging out

They loved this little area. 


 At Waimea Valley and Falls

 This was more of a stroll then a hike

 Part of our group on a bridge 

 Penny got to hang out in a stroller this time

 All the kids had fun playing on this huge tree stump

 They said they were pretending to be Kings, Queens, Knights, and Dragons.

 Isaac, of course, was a dragon haha

 Watching a lady demonstrate how to use that stick thing (I have no clue what it's called)

 The falls (couldn't get near it because there is a huge pool of water before it)

 This little guy kept sneaking up and trying to eat any food on the floor


 Lunch time

Me with kiddos 


 On Earth Day, we met up with the group at Ka'Ena Point and were supposed to walk a pretty long trail and clean up the trash around there. But it was very hot that day and almost all the kids there were done within 10 minutes of walking.  Views of the ocean were so pretty though!

 Isaac and Sky looking for trash 

 Group ahead of us

One of the ladies brought this for the little kids, so I let Penny run around in there for a bit. 

The admins of the group created this little craft. They cut out handprints from magazine pages and glued them to the tree. 

 Our cleanup group along with all the trash we collected (and that was only about 15-20minutes worth if picking up)

 One of the ladies brought this very neat snack for everyone. "Dirt", which was chocolate pudding, cookie crumbs, and gummy worms. 

That is all for this post. I will do another post with pictures not associated to Easter or Hiking later :) 

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