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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An actual update

I've realized that the last few posts don't really have much of an update on us or the kids, but just pictures (which I am sure most of you don't mind). But for those that are curious, here is all that is going on.

Isaac is almost completely potty trained. He still has some small accidents where he pee's a bit in his underwear before saying he needs to go potty but majority of the time, he lets us know ahead of time. He sleeps in underwear too and in the month in a half or so, he's only had one accident in his bed. I'm so proud of him! He is going to a new daycare and he's adjusting well. He's starting to recognize numbers now and still knows tons of shapes and colors. We're working on teaching him how to undress and dress himself as that will help with going to the restroom on his own later on. He's in the "I do it!" phase which is both good and bad haha.

Rose is almost 10 months old and growing too fast. She crawls everywhere and pulls herself up on everything. Sometimes she will even stand without holding onto anything, but no walking yet unless she is holding onto a push toy or car. She loves to mimic people, whether it's waving, raising eye browns, or copying sounds. She says mama and dada really well and even says dog and uh-oh on occasion. She loves her brothers cars and even makes what sounds like a car engine while playing with them (she's been watching her brother). She eats almost everything we do except for things she's not allowed to have yet. She has three teeth completely out, a fourth that just broke through and two more working their way out, so lots of teething going on here (yet still not as drooly as Isaac was). I'm still nursing but lately I've had to pump and offer bottles because she is refusing to nurse (I think due to teething). We'll see how the next few days ago and if I can keep up a supply, otherwise, I'll have to start supplementing with formula.

I'm looking forward to Halloween this year. Isaac still loves the show Team Umizoomi so he is going to be Geo and Rose is going to be Milli. My friend Erin is making the dress for Rose's costume and I'm making the shape belt for Isaac's. The only thing left for his costume is buying the top and pants in a solid royal blue color. I'm even contemplating spray painting his hair blue haha

As I said in my post last week, we will be going back to Hawaii next year for another three years. We're starting to go through our stuff to sell or donate, mostly books and movies. I really wish we could go someplace to exchange actual books for digital copies of them. Same with movies (at least for the ones that dont have Digital Copy codes).

Last new news for this post, yesterday, Matt and I traded in our 2005 Volvo (hatchback) for a 2011 Honda Odyssey minivan! 

It's a purchase we've been taking about making and we figured this would be the best type of vehicle to have while in Hawaii. This way, we can fit up to 4 -more- people in the van, besides our little family, so when other family or friends comes to visit, they do not need to rent a car if they don't want/have to.

Well, that is it for now! I'll go back to posting tons of pics of the kids in my next post :)

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